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  • #1 · Trouble Shooting: Check here first!
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #2 · How do I upload tracks?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #3 · How do I change my tracks details or screenshot?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #4 · I get "Input string was not in a correct format", why?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #5 · How do I send replays?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #6 · Why do I need a password to play some tracks?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #7 · Where can i see my tracks Track ID?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #8 · How can I take a screenshot or movie while playing?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #9 · How do I see if people respond to comments I leave?
  • Last edited by  
    Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
  • #10 · The 10 newest tracks list isn't showing my track, why?
  • Into The Light
    Posts: 2275
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